Psychology & Brain Sciences 391CE - S- Psychology/Current Events

Mattitiyahu Zimbler
TU TH 2:30PM 3:45PM
UMass Amherst
The Psychology of Current events gives students the time and resources to examine the world around them through a Social Psychological lens. We will explore topics such as race, class, and gender as we draw material from the news, psychological journal articles, and primary source texts. Using these foundational texts as a jumping off point, we will discuss the social psychological underpinnings of the events currently affecting the world today. This class requires student participation and is writing intensive.
Open to Senior and Junior Psychology majors only. Pre Req: PSYCH 241 & 360 Students will be required to lead class discussions, research psychological articles, write response papers and participate in class activities. Attendance is required.
Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.