Polymer Science & Engineering 602 - Poly Charctrzatn Lab

James Watkins;Ryan Hayward;Laura Bradley
M W 1:00PM 2:00PM
UMass Amherst
Characterization of polymers by up to fifteen methods, including spectroscopic (nuclear magnetic resonance, Raman, infrared), mechanical (tensile, dynamic mechanical, rheological), microscopic (electron microscopy), physiochemical (intrinsic viscosity, differential scanning, calorimetry, gel permeation chromatography) and scattering (light, x-rays). Molecular simulation techniques introduced. Lectures provide state-of-the-art description of these and additional polymer characterization methods.
Open to Polymer Science students only. Other students by Instructor consent.
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.