Political Science 395S - History/SocPolcy/PolGendRaceCl

Elizabeth Sharrow
TU TH 11:30AM 12:45PM
UMass Amherst
What are the problems associated with developing equitable and just policy? Why does social policy in the United States continue to be marked by tensions between the principle of equality and the reality of inequalities in social, political, and economic realms? How might policy subvert or reinforce these differences and inequalities? This class examines the history of social policy in the United States, particularly those policies affecting concerns of gender, race, and class. We will examine a wide range of social policies, focusing on those affecting groups such as: women, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBT people, and low-income people. We will study primarily empirical work, while asking questions about how political culture, interest groups, social movements, government institutions and other factor influence U.S. social policy.
Open to Senior and Junior Political Science majors only. You cannot have taken History 395S as this is combined with that course.
Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.