Political Science 101 - American Politics

Mia Costa
TU TH 1:00PM 2:15PM
UMass Amherst
Introduction to and overview of American government. Emphasis on understanding American political institutions such as the Congress, the presidency, and the courts in light of democratic theory and values. Examination of the electoral process; how government institutions respond to demands for public policies. (Gen.Ed. SB)
Open to first year Investigating Politics RAP students in Wheeler. POLISCI 101-02

See http://www.umass.edu/rap/investigating-politics-rap

Politics has been traditionally defined as the struggle over who gets what, when, and how. This course, and political science in general, is the study of this struggle, the institutions in which this struggle takes place, and the individuals and groups involved in this struggle and how they achieve their political goals. We will explore questions about American politics such as:

-Why is voter turnout so low?
-When people do vote, how do they decide who to support?
-What is the role of race, gender, and class in American politics?
-Why do Americans hate Congress?
-Is the U.S. really that polarized, and if so, why? What can be done about it?
-What is up with ?fake news??
-How do political parties and interest groups hurt and help democracy?

Throughout the course we will regularly read the news in class and weave in discussions of current events in American politics. We will talk about current political affairs including the presidencies of Donald Trump and Barack Obama, as well as contemporary debates surrounding fact-checking and the media, terrorism, health care, social movements, and more.

One goal of this course is to help you more engaged and thoughtful citizens, whether that is in the US or beyond. By the end of this class, you should be able to write and speak intelligently about American democracy and evaluate the performance of political institutions and leaders.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.