Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality 238 - Women, Money and Transnational Social Movements

Women, Money, Transnat Soc Mov

Elisabeth Brownell Armstrong

M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM

Smith College
Bass 203
Flickers of global finance capital across computer screens cannot compare to the travel preparations of women migrating from rural homes to work at computer chip factories. Yet both movements, of capital and people, constitute vital facets of globalization in the current era. This course centers on the political linkages and economic theories that address the politics of women, gender relations and capitalism. Students research social movements that challenge the raced, classed and gendered inequities, and the costs of maintaining order. The course assesses the alternatives proposed by social movements like the landless workers movement (MST) in Brazil, and economic shifts like the workers cooperative movement. Assignments include community-based research on local and global political movements, short papers, class-led discussions & written reflections.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.