Spanish 230ww - Topics in Latin American and Peninsular Culture and Society-Creative Writing By and With Spanish Women Writers
T-Spanish Women Writers
Reyes Lázaro
M W 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM
Smith College
Neilson 209
This is a hinge course between Beginning-Intermediate and Advanced-Intermediate courses. Its goal is the acquisition of linguistic and cultural literacy, and the development of student's capacities as a writer and reader of Spanish. On occasion, the class might work on some grammar, according to need, but this is not a grammar course. Short stories, biographical pieces, a play, biographies, essays and poems by (mainly) Spanish women writers from the 12th-century to present day, as well as one novel. The class creates essays and a zine inspired by short stories, biographical pieces, a play, biographies, essays and poems by (mainly) Spanish women writers from the 12th-century to present day, as well as one Spanish novel. Restrictions: SPN 230 may be repeated once with a different topic. Enrollment limited to 20.
[CE] SPN 230 Limit