Statistical and Data Sciences 364 - Research Seminar: Intergroup Relationships
Research Sem: Intrgrp Relatnsh
Randi L Garcia
TU TH 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM
Smith College
Neilson 209
SDS 364-01, PSY 364-01
Offered as PSY 364 and SDS 364. Research on intergroup relationships and an exploration of theoretical and statistical models used to study mixed interpersonal interactions. Example research projects include examining the consequences of sexual objectification for both women and men, empathetic accuracy in interracial interactions and gender inequality in household labor. A variety of skills including, but not limited to, literature review, research design, data collection, measurement evaluation, advanced data analysis and scientific writing are developed. Prerequisites: PSY 201, SDS 201, SDS 220 or equivalent; and PSY 202. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only. Enrollment limited to 12. Instructor permission required.
[CE] JR/SR only; Prereq: PSY 201, PSY 202, SDS 201, SDS 210 or SDS 220