Statistical and Data Sciences 109 - Communicating with Data
Communicating With Data
Ab Mosca
TU TH 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM
Smith College
Seelye 301
SDS 109-01, CSC 109-01
Offered as SDS 109 and CSC 109. The world is growing increasingly reliant on collecting and analyzing information to help people make decisions. Because of this, the ability to communicate effectively about data is an important component of future job prospects across nearly all disciplines. In this course, students learn the foundations of information visualization and sharpen their skills in communicating using data. This course explores concepts in decision-making, human perception, color theory and storytelling as they apply to data-driven communication. This course helps students build a strong foundation in how to talk to people about data, for both aspiring data scientists and students who want to learn new ways of presenting information. Enrollment limited to 40.