Philosophy 304eh - Seminar: Topics in Applied Ethics-Enhancing Humans: How We Could Do It, Whether We Should

Sem:T-Enhancing Humans

Susan Levin

TH 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM

Smith College
Seelye 202
Humans have always sought to elevate the conditions of their existence. What differentiates enhancement’s strongest proponents, so-called transhumanists, from earlier thinkers like the ancient Greeks is their belief that crossing the divide from the plane of being to a higher one is possible, even inevitable, through humans’ technological ingenuity. Given their content and implications, scrutiny of transhumanists’ views is essential. This colloquium addresses transhumanists’ and their critics’ views of human nature; the implications of existing brain science for transhumanists’ more extravagant claims; their notions of knowledge, values, and education; and transhumanists’ handling of risks, including those that are potentially grave. Restrictions: Juniors and seniors only. Enrollment limited to 12. Instructor permission required.

[CE] JR/SR only

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.