Environmental Science & Policy 221 - Colloquium: Native American and Indigenous Studies and the Environment

Colq:Native Amer & Indigenous

Yancey Orr

TU TH 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Smith College
Wright 238
The approximately six hundred federally recognized American Indian tribes in the United States are among the thousands of contemporary Indigenous groups in the world. Such a diversity of human culture, experience and history provides a unique vantage point for studying how people are connected to the environment. By surveying how indigenous people shape and are shaped by the environment on several continents, with a focus on North America, students gain a greater understanding of the variation and importance of human environmental relationships. Perspectives from Indigenous studies, history, philosophy, ecology, biology and anthropology are some of the disciplines used in the course. Enrollment limited to 30.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.