English 203 - Western Classics in Translation II
Western Classics-Translatn II
Torleif Persson
M 3:05 PM - 4:20 PM; W 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Smith College
ENG 203-01, WLT 203-01
Offered as WLT 203 and ENG 203. Considers works of literature from different linguistic and cultural traditions that have had a significant influence over time. Posits that the emergence of a modern literary tradition might be understood as a sustained exploration of the relationship between fiction and reality, as tracked through major artistic movements like realism, romanticism, naturalism, expressionism, and existentialism. Interrogates the category of "the classic," the idea of "the west," and the meaning of reading "in translation." Includes works by major writers from Cervantes to Sartre. Enrollment limited to 20.