East Asian Languages & Lits 292sh - Topics in Japanese Popular Culture-The Shojo (Girl)

T-Pop Culture-Shojo (Girl)

Kimberly Kono

TU TH 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM

Smith College
Seelye 301
This course focuses on representations of the shōjo/shoujo (girl) in Japanese anime, manga, film and popular fiction. The course examines the development of this image from the early 20th century until the present and considers the ways this image reflects historical, cultural and social changes inside and outside of Japan. Using different literary and cultural studies approaches, the course considers the significance of the shōjo in discussions of gender, sexuality, bodies, nationality, globalization and modernity. Students also develop a critical awareness of the influence of popular culture on national, regional and global levels.  Restrictions: EAL 292 may be repeated once with a different topic. Enrollment limited to 20.

[CE] EAL 292 Limit

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.