Dance 287 - Analysis of Music from a Dancer's Perspective

Music From Dancer's Perspect

Jake Meginsky

TU TH 9:25 AM - 10:40 AM

Smith College
Berenson Studio
A primary goal is development of the ability to focus on subtle details in music while dancing, teaching, choreographing, or performing. Dancers cultivate an open-mind and skills for imagining many relationships between dance and music. Students improvise music, make up songs, translate choreography into music, and dance with music from various cultures and historical periods. The course emphasizes rhythm, terminology, and categories, meaning in music, and strategies for finding music. Students listen to varied musical styles and paradigms, formulate statements about music, study ethical questions about music and musicians, and distinguish between recorded and live music. Enrollment limited to 12.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.