Statistical and Data Sciences 390cd - Topics in Statistical and Data Sciences-Categorical Data Analysis

T-Categorical Data

Kementari Whitcher

M 1:40 PM - 2:55 PM; W 1:20 PM - 2:35 PM

Smith College
Seelye 312
Theory and applications of statistical methods for the analysis of categorical data. The course includes an overview of statistical methods for analyzing discrete data including binary, multinomial and count response variables. Nominal and ordinal responses are considered. Discussions may include contingency table and chi-squared analyses, logistic, Poisson and negative-binomial regression models. R statistical software is used. Prerequisites: SDS 291 or SDS 290 or equivalent. Restrictions: SDS 390 may be taken a total of 3 times with different topics. Enrollment limited to 30.

[CE] SDS 390 Limit

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.