Psychology 352pt - Seminar: Topics in Advanced Clinical Psychology-Psychological Trauma

Sem: T-Adv Clinicl-Trauma

Nnamdi Pole

TU 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM

Smith College
Neilson 209
This seminar addresses topics related to psychological trauma including: history of traumatology, trauma epidemiology, stress and trauma disorders, ethnocultural variation in trauma, psychophysiological assessment of trauma, evidence based treatment of trauma disorders and posttraumatic growth. Recommended prerequisites: PSY 100, PSY 150, PSY 253 and NSC 130/ PSY 130. This seminar regularly address emotionally distressing topics (e.g., physical and sexual abuse). Students should only choose this course if able to fully engage with such topics. Enrollment limited to 12. Juniors and seniors only. Instructor permission required.

[CE] JR/SR only

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.