Geosciences 231 - Invertebrate Paleontology and the History of Life

Invert Paleont & Hist of Life

Sara B. Pruss

M W F 10:50 AM - 12:05 PM

Smith College
Sabin-Reed 103
A study of the major evolutionary events in the history of life, with a special focus on marine invertebrates. Special topics include evolution, functional adaptations, paleoenvironments, the origin of life, mass extinction and origination, and how life has changed through time. At least one weekend field trip. Prerequisite: GEO 101 and GEO 102; GEO 108; FYS 103; or GEO 102 with any other GEO 100-level course. GEO 102 can be taken concurrently; open also to students who have fulfilled the basis for the BIO major. Enrollment limited to 18.

[CE] GEO 108 or FYS 103 or (GEO 102 [may be concurrent] & any GEO 100 level) or (BIO 130 & 132)

Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.

Must take Laboratory, Lecture

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.