Biology 360sr - Seminar: Topics in Integrative Biology-Sex and Sexual Reproduction
Sem:T-Sexual Reproduction
Lisa A. Mangiamele
TH 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM
Smith College
McConnell 403
“Sex” is often used to describe a suite of traits – such as gamete type, morphology, physiology and behavior – that are related to reproduction. These traits are not binary, and there is extensive diversity in sex and sexual reproduction among animals including humans. This seminar explores our current understanding of variation in sex, gonadal determination, reproductive physiology and sexual behavior in the natural world. The course creates a broader conceptualization of sex by integrating the evidence in primary research articles, reviews, books and essays by feminist and queer authors. Students complete an independent research project on a topic of their choice. Prerequisites: BIO 200, BIO 230 or BIO 232, or equivalent. Juniors and seniors only. Enrollment limited to 15. Instructor permission required.
[CE] JR/SR only; Prereq: BIO 200, 230 or 232.