Psychology 329CN - Seminar in Personality and Abnormal Psychology: 'Counseling Theory and Practice'
Sem: Counseling Theory/Pract.
John Tawa
T 01:30PM-04:20PM
Mount Holyoke College
Reese 324
This course covers three major theoretical approaches to counseling: short-term psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and solution-focused. Related to each theory we will explore case conceptualization, therapeutic alliance, treatment planning, and mechanisms of change. We will be examining applications to classes of clinical disorders and empirical support for improvement outcomes. Role-playing will be used to illustrate key concepts and approaches to the counseling process. Students will be supported to be reflective and solution focused, evidence-based, process oriented, and to value and facilitate the development of people in the cultural context in which they are embedded.
Prereq: PSYCH-204.