Environmental Studies 316 - Restoration Ecology

Restoration Ecology

Kate Ballantine

T 01:30PM-04:20PM

Mount Holyoke College
Clapp Laboratory 306
A key test of our ecological knowledge is whether we can successfully apply it to create or restore ecosystems that have been damaged or destroyed. As we take on the role of restoration ecologists this semester, we will use principles and methods of ecology, conservation biology, hydrology, soil science, and related disciplines to learn about the theory, practice, and politics of ecosystem restoration. This course emphasizes fieldwork, interdisciplinary teamwork, and ecological planning to evaluate and design restoration projects in our surrounding communities and regional landscapes. On a few occasions, meetings may last until 5:05 pm so that we can go on fieldtrips that are farther from campus.

Prereq: ENVST-200 or at least 8 credits of 200 or 300-level laboratory science.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.