Environmental Studies 210 - Political Ecology

Political Ecology

Catherine Corson

TTH 10:30AM-11:45AM

Mount Holyoke College
Clapp Laboratory 413
This course will explore the historical, political, economic, social, and cultural contexts in which human-environment interactions occur. We will cover critical topics and trends in the field of political ecology, from its early manifestations to more recent expansions. Using case studies from the global south and north, we will discuss factors that shape social and environmental change across scales from the personal to the global, and we will examine the role of gender, race, class, and power in struggles over resources. Students will become familiar with the academic debates in which political ecologists are engaged, and they will apply the concepts discussed in a case of their choice.

Course limited to sophomores, juniors and seniors

For at least the first 2 days of Add/Drop in January, this course will be open to ENVST majors who are sophomores, jrs, or srs only. Check back on or after 1/19 if you are not an ENVST major but are a soph/jr/sr to see if seats remain available.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.