English 334BG - Asian American Film and Visual Culture: 'Beyond Geishas and Kung Fu Masters'

Beyond Geishas and Kung Fu

Iyko Day

T 01:30PM-04:20PM

Mount Holyoke College
Shattuck Hall 217
This course examines contemporary Asian American film and visual culture through the lens of cultural recovery, self-invention, and experimentation. Focusing primarily on film and photography, we will explore issues of race and visuality, Hollywood orientalism, memory and postmemory, and racial impersonation and parody. Students will engage with a variety of theoretical and critical approaches. Artists may include Nikki S. Lee, Margaret Cho, Tseng Kwong Chi, Jin-me Yoon, Justin Lin, Binh Dahn, Richard Fung, Mira Nair, Deepa Mehta, and Alice Wu.

This course is open to juniors and seniors; Prereq: 8 credits in English or Film, Media, Theater.

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.