Film, Media, Theater 340DT - Advanced Courses in Production and Practice: 'Digital Cinematography'

Digital Cinematography

Elliot Montague

TH 01:30PM-04:20PM

Mount Holyoke College
Art 222
This intensive technical and hands-on course is intended for advanced film production students. We will gain the skills needed to create high quality moving images through the exploration of the frame and lighting as well as story subtext. We will use advanced cinema cameras and lenses to expand our basic knowledge of cinematography gained in Introduction to Video Production. We will focus on camera placement, lens selection, movement, composition, and advanced lighting and exposure techniques. Camera rigs and dollies will be used for both studio and location-based work. Projects will include shooting 4K digital video, advanced color grading and some editing.

Prereq: FMT-240VP or FLMST-210VP.

Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.