Data Science 390 - Data Science Capstone

Data Science Capstone

Arie Shaus

TTH 09:00AM-10:15AM

Mount Holyoke College
Clapp Laboratory 401
The Capstone is a research seminar that empowers students to design and execute a significant data science research project. Through group review of journal articles and targeted lectures, students will develop a thorough understanding of each of the components of a successful research project including defining their research question, conducting a literature review, identifying an appropriate data set, designing and implementing a defensible methodology, and presenting and interpreting their results in text, tables, and figures. There will be frequent opportunities for students to present their work, and their capstone will culminate in a written report. Concurrently, students will read and discuss several case studies that address issues of ethics involved with the collection, treatment, and analysis of data.

Prereq: COMSC-205 and STAT-340. STAT-340 may be taken concurrently (contact instructor for permission).

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.