First-Year Seminars 110TS - The Work of Translation

Carolyn Shread
TTH 11:30AM-12:45PM
Mount Holyoke College
Ciruti 127
Mount Holyoke's mission is "purposeful engagement in the world" but in a multilingual world, our goal can only be achieved with the help of translators and interpreters. As the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 46% increase in translation work 2012-2022, we consider it as a scholarly, professional and lay activity. Challenging stereotypes of translation as derivative or faulty, we reflect on the wealth of languages and cultures at Mount Holyoke College and how the curriculum depends on the work of translation. Students discuss what is gained, lost or simply transformed in translation. This introduction to translation studies is especially valuable to students with a background or interest in languages.
First-year students only, by placement.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.