First-Year Seminars 110PS - Self-Portraiture

Suparna Roychoudhury
TTH 11:30AM-12:45PM
Mount Holyoke College
Shattuck Hall 318
How do we represent ourselves? How can the self -- that is to say, subjective experience, private life, identity, consciousness -- be translated into written form? How, in turn, does writing fashion and construct the self? Throughout history, authors and thinkers have engaged these questions in countless texts and textual forms -- in essays, confessions, autobiographies, and poetry. This seminar will sample influential and innovative works of literary self-portrayal from around the world, exploring how a wide variety of writers have rendered themselves in language, narrative, and text. Authors may include Augustine, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Joyce, Nabokov, and Plath.
First-year students only, by placement.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.