First-Year Seminars 110GF - God, Free Will, and Morality

Ekaterina Vavova
TTH 10:00AM-11:15AM
Mount Holyoke College
Skinner Hall 212
This course will introduce students to philosophy and its methods by looking at what philosophers, past and present, have said about three important and interrelated topics: God, morality, and freedom. We will ask questions such as: Does God exist? Is it rational to believe in God? What should I do if I want to do the right thing? When is it ok to criticize other cultures? How much do I owe to others? Do we have free will? Can we ever be held responsible for anything? Students will come out of the class better thinkers, better writers, and better equipped to tackle difficult questions like these with rigor and care.
First-year students only, by placement.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.