First-Year Seminars 110DV - Adventures in Music

Tian Hui Ng
TTH 10:00AM-11:15AM
Mount Holyoke College
Pratt Memorial Music Bldg AUD
Designed for students with or without prior musical experience, 'Adventures in Music' explores the materials of music. Through reading, hands-on interaction with instruments and their players, discussions and recordings, students will explore concepts of pitch, time, space, structure and timbre, thereby enriching their perception of the world of sound. The best way to access the indescribable in music is often to make music. With this in mind the class will embark in mini composition projects culminating in a final project that utilizes the knowledge acquired over the duration of the course.
First-year students only, by placement.
This class may be especially suitable for students who do not identify as native speakers of English.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.