French 101 - Elementary French

Nancy Holden-Avard
MTWTHF 08:00AM-08:50AM
Mount Holyoke College
Ciruti 202
An introduction to understanding, speaking, reading, and writing French. The videotape-based method 'French in Action' provides a lively story line and cultural context for the acquisition of basic grammatical structures with a conversational focus. The course includes frequent composition writing. French 101/102 is recommended for students with no previous training in French or a maximum of one year of French at the high school level.
Prereq: Placement test required even if no previous study of French; score 0-100.
Students who take French 101 in the spring and who wish to continue in French should plan on taking French 199 the following fall. (Students who have done strong work in French 101 in the spring may, with the approval of their instructor, take French 201
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.