Film Studies 370EF - Europe: Film/Global Context

Nora Gortcheva
T 01:15PM-04:05PM;M 07:00PM-10:00PM
Mount Holyoke College
Ciruti 127;Art 221
This class explores major tendencies in European film from 1945 to the present. We approach the canon of European art cinema, discuss various genres (drama, youth film, comedy, sci-fi), movements such as Italian Neorealism, New Waves (French, Czech, German, Romanian), and migrant and accented cinemas. We pay special attention to movement as a repeating motif. As we investigate filmic representations of class, gender, and race across various national contexts, we challenge a vision of Europe -- and of its cinema -- as coherent and static. Instead, we uncover European film cultures on the move -- in constant crisis and process of redefinition.
Evening screenings are mandatory. The course is taught in English and all films have English subtitles. Students may receive credit toward the German major/minor if they register for German Studies 331 and complete their work in German.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.