Entrepreneurship, Orgs & Soc 210 - Opportunities and Impacts

Richard Feldman
TTH 10:00AM-11:15AM
Mount Holyoke College
Skinner Hall 216
In this foundation course, the class will select and confront four major global problems having local instances from a list of possible subjects such as aging, health care, education, food and housing security, employment, poverty, sustainability and environmental health, and crime. Students working in teams will then learn to analyze those problems, assess the opportunities for solutions that emerge, design initial solutions, and configure projects that allow for the implementation of those solutions. Students work in teams, developing and learning about solutions with local organizations engaged in addressing similar global/local problems. The course will utilize texts, short lectures and discussions, video, guest presentations, in-class ideation exercises, and team presentations.
Course limited to sophomores, juniors and seniors
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.