Environmental Studies 321CF - Feeding Nine Billion People

Jennifer Albertine
M 01:15PM-04:05PM
Mount Holyoke College
Clapp Laboratory 327
Human population is expected to surpass nine billion in the next century. As our population grows, so will our need for food. Land available to grow food will not increase and degrading environmental conditions will make adequate food production on this land increasingly difficult. We will focus on the challenges to meet the nutritional needs of a growing population as well as look at some of the possible solutions for the future from a scientific standpoint. These challenges/solutions will be investigated at both the world and local (northeast United States) scales. In addition to being a heavily science-based class on food security, we will also address issues of food justice and environmental justice.
Prereq: Environmental Studies 200 or other 200 level biological or plant science class.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.