Asian Studies 110 - First Year Chinese I

Lei Yan
TTHF 01:15PM-02:05PM
Mount Holyoke College
Ciruti 009
This is an intensive course with emphasizing the rapid development of listening and speaking ability and intended for students with no prior knowledge of Mandarin Chinese. Points of focus include pronunciation and tones, basic syntax, high-frequency vocabulary words, conversational flow, and an introduction to reading and writing Chinese characters. Relevant cultural knowledge and activities will be incorporated into the curriculum. The class will initially be conducted in both English and Chinese, with the proportion of Chinese steadily increasing over the first two months, after which the great majority of instruction will be in Chinese. Supplements class work with lab.
Coreq: ASIAN-110L.
students with previous language study should contact Ms Yan for placement; students must enroll in a lab section
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.