Art Studio 221 - Digital Photography I

Amanda Herman
MW 09:20AM-11:50AM
Mount Holyoke College
Art 211
This course explores the basics of photography using digital technologies with emphasis placed on three objectives: first, the acquisition of photographic skills, including composition, digital capture, scanning, Photoshop, and printing; second, an introduction to contexts, such as historical, critical, theoretical, and contemporary movements in photography to advance visual literacy; third, the deepening and expanding of a personal way of seeing. Students will have directed and self-initiated shooting and printing assignments. Slide lectures, readings, and short writing assignments will complement the practical aspects of the course.
Prereq: ARTST-120 or ARTST-131.
Students interested in taking this course should possess a digital SLR or an advanced compact camera. Students enrolled in this course will be responsible for some of the cost of materials.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.