Humanities Arts Cultural Stu 0263 - Research as Creative Practice: Advanced Projects Seminar
Research As Creative Practice
Jennifer Bajorek
01:00PM-03:50PM W
Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall 107
We will approach research as the inherently creative practice that it is, while also querying the boundaries between theory and practice, thought and creation, study and work. Rather than conceptualizing and conducting research as a linear process that goes from point A to B, we will explore research methods that invite or require us to get lost, embrace constraint, and grapple with the desires and impulses of others. In the first part of our weekly sessions, we will apprentice ourselves to a range of well-known experimental methods centering contingency (flanerie, everyday tactics, spatial practice research), constraint (OuLiPo, automatic writing, zaoum and cubo-futurism), and collaboration (participant observation, the interview, art as social practice). In the second part, students will work on, and workshop, their own independent research projects. This course is designed for students working on Division II supported projects and in the first semester of Division III. Keywords:Research Methods, Contemporary Art, Cultural Studies
This course can be used to fulfill the Division II Project requirement Students should expect to spend 6-8 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time