Critical Social Inquiry 0309 - Advanced Work in Multispecies/Posthuman Ethnography: Division 2 Projects

Adv Work Multispe/P.Human Ethn

Nathalie Arnold

06:30PM-09:20PM M

Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall 105
Across the inherited colonial disciplines, scholars increasingly propose that human beings can no longer be studied in isolation from the myriad nonhuman others who share the planet with us. Drawing at once on deeply located indigenous knowledges and changes in global scientific thought, contemporary posthuman and/or multispecies scholarship demonstrates that 'human' beings come into existence, develop, and live and die in intimate relation to other forms of life, now understood as social, philosophical, and historical actors themselves. In the first six weeks, we will encounter core texts together (Kavesh, Haraway, Tsing, Parrenas, Rose, Braverman). In the second half, students will work on an independent multispecies/posthuman project of their own. The work will include written reflections and presentations on our shared readings, and an individualized annotated bibliography and presentation of independent work. Prerequisite: a previous 100- or 200-level course featuring a basic introduction to sociocultural multispecies/posthuman thought Keywords: posthuman, multispecies, critical animal studies, ethnography, anthropology

Environments and Change This course can be used to fulfill the Division II Project requirement CONTACT THE PROFESSOR HERE: is external) Students should expect to spend 6-8 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.