Interdisciplinary Arts 0332 - Division III Theatre Seminar
Division III Theatre Seminar
Peter Kallok
01:00PM-03:50PM TU
Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall 108
This seminar is designed for first or second semester Division III students whose project involves some aspect of theatre. Seminar participants will be expected to read some key performance, design, and production texts and discuss them in relation to their own work, as well as helping to select readings relevant to their area of focus. Considerable time throughout the semester will be devoted to students' presentation of works in progress, peer editing, and sharing strategies for completing large independent projects. Assignments will include completing critical narrative essays, creating an annotated bibliography, and an artist statement that could be incorporated into the Division III project. This seminar can be used as an Advanced Learning Activity.
Students should expect to spend 8 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time