Humanities Arts Cultural Stu 0233 - Writing About Music

Writing About Music

Rebecca (Becky) Miller

02:30PM-03:50PM TU;02:30PM-03:50PM TH

Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall 107;Franklin Patterson Hall 107
In this course, students will read and try their hand at different types of music writing, including music journalism, reviews, fiction, memoir, and literary non-fiction. Our reading and listening will cover a broad range of music styles, including rock/pop, rap, R&B, jazz, folk/traditional music, western classical, and others. In addition to learning basic music terminology and concepts to strengthen how we communicate about music, we will do "deep listening" with respect to the music itself -- its lyrics, structure, style, and performance. A writing intensive course, there will also be regular reading and listening assignments. At the end of the semester, students will choose a piece of music or a song, analyze it musically, structurally, and lyrically, and share their work in a short oral presentation. Keywords:Music, writing, journalism, American Studies

Time and Narrative The content of this course deals with issues of race and power Students should expect to spend 8 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time

Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.