Outdoor and Rec Athletics 0209 - Experiential Education

Karen Warren
01:00PM-05:00PM TH
Hampshire College
This course will offer an overview of the theoretical tenets of experiential education and how they can be applied in a variety of settings, including the outdoors,and alternative and traditional classrooms. Topics to be addressed include current issues in experiential education, oppression and empowerment in education, teaching experientially, creative expression, and the historical and philosophical basis of experiential education. The course format will include readings, discussion, guest speakers, field experiences, and individual research and presentations on experiential education. An emphasis of the course will be for students to develop curricula based on experiential learning by creating student facilitated workshops and gaining exposure to experiential education methodology currently employed in the local area. The course is designed for Division II and III level students. 5-College students will be graded pass/fail.
Exclusively for Div 2&3 Students
0-2 credits
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.