Outdoor and Rec Athletics 0155 - Intro Sport Climb.

Michael Alderson
12:30PM-06:00PM TH
Hampshire College
Robert Crown Center GYM
Sport climbing is the term used to describe the style of climbing where a person uses fixed protection to lead climb. This class will focus on teaching the technical skills and training techniques for better climbing. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT A PERSON HAVE STRONG TOP ROPE CLIMBING SKILLS BEFORE THEY ADVANCE INTO SPORT CLIMBING. This course is perfect experienced rock climbers wanting to learn to lead climb, and is a prerequisite for the spring Traditional Lead Climbing class. 5-College students will be graded pass/fail.
Accepted for CEL 1 Credit
0-2 credits
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
This course has unspecified prerequisite(s) - please see the instructor.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.