Outdoor and Rec Athletics 0113 - Aikido

Mathew Snow
03:30PM-05:00PM TU;03:30PM-05:00PM TH
Hampshire College
Robert Crown Center 21;Robert Crown Center 21
Aikido is essentially a modern manifestation of traditional Japanese martial arts (Budo), derived from a synthesis of body, sword, and staff arts. Its primary emphasis is defensive, utilizing techniques of neutralization through leverage, timing, balance, and joint control. There is no emphasis on strikes or kicks since one is trained to blend and evade rather than confront. Beginners will practice ukemi (falling), body movement, conditioning, and several basic techniques. Purchase of a uniform or gi is highly recommended but NOT REQUIRED. Purchases can made directly with the instructor. 5-College students will be graded pass/fail.
Uniform recommended. Available for purchase from instructor. Accepted for CEL 1 credit.
0-2 credits
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.