Outdoor and Rec Athletics 0112 - Bokken (Wooden Sword Forms)

Samuel Kanner
01:00PM-02:30PM M
Hampshire College
Robert Crown Center 21
"Bokken" are Japanese wooden swords used for training and application of hypothetical combat maneuvers that would otherwise be too dangerous to perform with a real metal sword. Created in a time of Japanese martial arts history when the training and production of scholars in "budo" (The Way of the warrior) rather than expendable battle-hardened soldiers was the objective, bokken were inexpensive and generally safe substitutes for real swords in daily training at martial arts schools. Academically, the Renmei Kata (official "league" forms), come from a subset of study within Kendo, a tournament-based martial art using bamboo swords in free-sparring competition. In a realm where responding to the attacks and reactions of another person can be so spontaneous, Renmei Kata were organized as Kendo's compliment to this practice to give the swordsman technical foundations and methods to hone one's maturity, composure. and spirit with the sword in an un-rushed way. Bokken Renmei Kata are sets of prescribed forms done with partners executing the main roles of two opponents with swords in a single encounter; "Shidachi" (the survivor), and "Uchidachi" (the felled). Students will learn each role statically before interfacing with their complementary partner. NO PREVIOUS MARTIAL ARTS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. Students should come prepared in clothing that allows for full freedom of movement. Class meets in the South Lounge on the 2nd floor of the Robert Crown Center. 5-College students will be graded pass/fail.
Accepted for CEL 1 Credit.
0-2 credits
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.