Outdoor and Rec Athletics 0107 - Adv. Yoga

Molly Kitchen
10:30AM-11:50AM TH
Hampshire College
Music and Dance Building SMALL
Take your practice to the next level! In a supportive and positive atmosphere, we will explore challenging asana including advanced backbends, inversions, arm balances, twists and forward folds as well pranayama and meditation. This class is meant for dedicated practitioners with yoga experience and a high level of self-awareness. Please bring a yoga mat. Yoga mats are available for sale at the Hampshire College equipment room for $14. Instructor permission REQUIRED. Class meets in the Small Dance Theatre of the Music and Dance Building. Five College students will be graded pass/fail.
Accepted for CEL 1 Credit.
0-2 credits
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
This course has unspecified prerequisite(s) - please see the instructor.
Permission is required for interchange registration during all registration periods.