Natural Science 0218 - Forest Ecology

Robin Sears
02:00PM-03:20PM TU;01:00PM-05:00PM F
Hampshire College
Cole Science Center 110;Cole Science Center 110
How does the structure and composition of forests shift over time and across events, and how does this affect forest function? In this largely field-based course, we will construct an understanding of the core concepts of forest ecology, consider a diversity of forest management goals, and conduct research for management applications. In the field, students will practice an array of methods to address research questions in local forested landscapes. Plant identification will be a component of this course. Student learning will be assessed based on demonstration of the application of ecological knowledge to management challenges through engagement in the classroom and field activities, and completion of a forest research project.
Independent Work Quantitative Skills In this course students are generally expected to spend at least 6 to 8 hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time, and to spend up to 4 hours in the field during labs.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.