Natural Science 0142 - Innovations for Change

Seeta Sistla;Sarah Partan;Jana Silver
12:30PM-01:50PM TU;12:30PM-01:50PM TH
Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall WLH;Franklin Patterson Hall WLH;;
Worried about climate change and how we will live sustainably in the future? Join us to brainstorm and assess solutions together. This will be a course for first and second year students interested in learning how to evaluate potential solutions to current local and global environmental and social problems. The course will be co-taught by faculty across the curriculum at Hampshire and will include guest lectures from experts in the field of climate change and sustainability. The course will be divided into modules focused on specific problems and potential solutions, such as how the arts can help educate and engage the public in making positive changes for sustainable living; why humans are so resistant to changing our habits; whether excess greenhouse gases can be safely stored via carbon sequestration; and how we might ameliorate losses to biodiversity due to climate change. In addition to engagement in readings, lectures, discussion and activities, small teams of students will be expected to explore a problem in greater depth and present their ideas to the class at the end of the term.
Physical and Biological Sciences Arts, Design, and Media Mind, Brain, and Information Independent Work This course is taught by three professors, from three schools. It can satisfy one Distribution Area for you. In this course, students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time. This time includes reading, writing, research, and working with other students on presentations.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.