Interdisciplinary Arts 0258 - Many Voices, Many Eyes

Nathalie Arnold
06:00PM-08:50PM W
Hampshire College
Emily Dickinson Hall 5
Essential to reading is a sense of where stories come from, in whose voice and from what position narratives unfold. While 'point of view' in fiction is a technical term whose modes must be understood, it is equally a matter of vision, position, ethics, knowledge and voice. Reflecting on their own commitments, class members will encounter and write in a variety of literary points of view. We will ask: What stories and whose voices have we rarely heard? Who are our narrators and what are they uniquely placed to say? What do they fail to see? How do 'distance' and 'intimacy' operate in various points of view? What unique freedoms are inherent to each, and how can experimentation help us to determine the best point of view for our own individual projects? Students will produce two workshop pieces, and respond in writing to our readings, and submit a final portfolio. Prerequisite: One college-level writing class with significant peer critique.
Culture, Humanities, and Languages Independent Work In this course, students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time. This time includes reading, writing, research.
Multiple required components--lab and/or discussion section. To register, submit requests for all components simultaneously.
This course has unspecified prerequisite(s) - please see the instructor.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.