Interdisciplinary Arts 0218 - Dis/placements

Uzma Khan
12:30PM-03:20PM TH
Hampshire College
Emily Dickinson Hall 2
This course will appeal to fiction writers with a passion for exploring transitions, both chosen and unchosen, as an engine for beautiful expressions of art. It will also appeal to those with a passion for understanding how movement is controlled, and who controls it. We will look at writers who embrace these themes in many different contexts. For instance, in the context of those who move to escape being profiled for their race, religion, or sexual orientation. Those who are refugees dislocated by wars, colonialism, climate change, and poverty. Those who relocate by choice, say for work or education. The move itself may be from one country to another. It may be from one identity to another, say a religious conversion or a gender expression. It may be from entering a groundbreaking career, or a change in physical ability, or in diet (becoming vegan?). The focus will be on critical reading, as well as on creating your own original works of fiction. While the course is not by instructor permission, to keep up with attendance requirements, students must attend the first day.
Culture, Humanities, and Languages Independent Work In this course, students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time. This time includes reading, writing, research.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.