Humanities Arts Cultural Stu 0226 - Debating Art and Its Histories

Barbara Kellum
01:00PM-02:20PM M;01:00PM-02:20PM W
Hampshire College
Emily Dickinson Hall 5;Emily Dickinson Hall 5
This course revolves around five case studies of controversial recent texts which posit profoundly different ways of interpreting how art and architecture have shaped visual experiences and understandings of the interrelations of past and present. Through the lenses these texts provide we'll examine works primarily of contemporary art & architecture across the globe attending especially to materials and techniques, to ways of creating space, to the persona of the artist, politics and patronage, the design and symbolism of monuments, and the importance of cross-cultural exchanges.
Culture, Humanities, and Languages Multiple Cultural Perspectives Writing and Research In this course, students are generally expected to spend 6-8 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.