Humanities Arts Cultural Stu 0215 - Dance Technique 3: HALF COURSE

Sarah Lass
02:30PM-03:50PM M;02:30PM-03:50PM W
Hampshire College
Music and Dance Building MAIN;Music and Dance Building MAIN
A half course, this intermediate level modern/contemporary dance technique course will be a laboratory exploring the movement capacities of the human body as selected for aesthetic and expressive purposes. Students will investigate expression in movement by working with sensation, space, time, focus and attention to detail. They'll deepen their knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics to increase movement efficiency and safety, and they'll work to expand their rhythmic and dynamic range in longer and more complex movement phrases. This is considered a half course. The combination of this plus another dance half course can be considered a full course elective for Division One.
Independent Work Field trip fees: $30 for concert tickets. In this course, students are generally expected to spend 2-4 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time.
2-4 credits
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.