Humanities Arts Cultural Stu 0203 - Half Course Group Improv

Christine Goehring
02:00PM-03:20PM TU;02:00PM-03:20PM TH
Hampshire College
Music and Dance Building MAIN;Music and Dance Building MAIN
Dance Pioneer Barbara Mettler said, "To create means to make up something new." In this course students explore the elements of dance through a series of creative problems solved in improvisations by individuals and groups. Directed exercises are used to heighten awareness of the body and its movement potential. Studies using the sounds of voice, hands and feet develop skills in accompaniment. Based on the principle that dance is a human need this work invites people of all ages and abilities to come together in movement and to make dance an element of their lives.
Independent Work Two half dance courses may be used to satisfy a Division I elective. Field trip fees: $20-$50 to attend performances. In this course, students are expected to spend 2-4 hours weekly on work and preparation outside of class time.
2-4 credits
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.