Critical Social Inquiry 0322 - Div III Seminar

Flavio Risech-Ozeguera
01:00PM-03:50PM M
Hampshire College
Franklin Patterson Hall 104
This seminar will be organized around students' Division III Independent Study Projects. Students will be responsible for presenting their Division III research and writing in progress several times during the semester and for providing serious, thoughtful oral and written feedback on one another's work. We will address shared issues of narrowing questions for investigation, conducting ethnographic and bibliographic research and incorporating sources. The primary purpose of the seminar is to provide a supportive and stimulating intellectual community during the Division III process. Students focusing on areas related to critical race studies, political theory, critical prison studies, migration and refugee studies, human rights and legal studies are especially encouraged to enroll, but all students and research interests are welcome.
Independent Work Multiple Cultural Perspectives Writing and Research Students are expected to spend at least six to eight hours a week of preparation and work outside of class time.
Permission is required for interchange registration during the add/drop period only.